That Random Mumma

Sharing my journey through writing.

Same day but 3 different memories made.

All three of my kids had different adventures today.
My eldest son went to a boy’s night with his friends yesterday and then the family took them all to the park. He left our care at 6 pm, he was so excited to just hang out with his friends.

My daughter was surprised when Aunty came to pick her up for a day with them. She loves her cousins so much so she was excited to be with them. They got their face painted and she got to hold a crocodile, snakes and lizards. My daughter is like me a huge animal lover.

For my youngest it was just a mummy, daddy and him day. We took him to the nature center in the city and he loved it. He was looking at all the snakes, turtles and had fun calling the eagle a chicken and making the noise. He is so happy though his older siblings are home because he missed them dearly.

Here he is petting the friendly bull Dexter.

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